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How to install Freedom on your Mac
How to install Freedom on your Mac

This article provides a walkthrough of how to install Freedom on your Mac.

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Written by Freedom
Updated over 8 months ago

Getting Started

To install Freedom on your Mac, download our Freedom installer from our Freedom downloads page, or you can use this direct link to the installer if you are using MacOS 11 and later.

Note: if you are using MacOS 10.15, please use this install link instead: MacOS 10.15 installer.

Installing Freedom

Once you've downloaded Freedom, you'll see the installer (FreedomSetup.dmg) in your Downloads folder.Β 

Next, double-click on FreedomSetup.dmg, this will bring up the installation. Drag Freedom to your Applications folder.


Note: When you run (double-click the green app icon in your Applications folder) Freedom for the first time, you will be prompted to install a helper tool. This is the final step of the installation process, so please enter your computer password here and click OK to complete installation.

Note: if you get the error message below when trying to launch the app, use this link instead: MacOS 10.15 installer.

Starting Freedom

Once Freedom is in your Applications Folder, double-click the Freedom icon to launch the app. The Freedom login window will pop up. Sign in with your Freedom account, and then enter your Mac password if prompted to complete the installation process.

Running Freedom

Note that Freedom runs from the menu bar. The menu bar is on top of your screen - look at the top right of your screen and you should see the butterfly icon for the program. Click on the butterfly menubar icon in the top menubar to manage Freedom.

Open Freedom menu on Mac

Clicking on 'Launch Dashboard' will launch your browser, opening, and allow you to start and schedule blocks or manage your profile.

If you're running into problems with Freedom, we've put together a list of common problems and solutions.

How to control IPv6 blocking

Freedom disables IPv6 by default. To control this, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Terminal on your Mac (, iTerm, etc).

  2. At the command line, copy and paste: defaults write com.80pct.FreedomPlatform DisableIPv6 -bool false

  3. Restart the Freedom mac app.

Having trouble?

If you're having any difficulty, please feel free to contact us. We're happy to help!

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