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How to Edit a Block Session

This article provides instructions on how to edit sessions, as well as information on what and what cannot be edited with block sessions.

Freedom avatar
Written by Freedom
Updated over 6 months ago

About editing sessions

The ability to edit block sessions is limited, and can be affected by whether or not Locked Mode is enabled.

Session start time

Cannot be modified

Session end time

Cannot be modified

Days of the week (recurring sessions)

Cannot be modified


Can be added, but not removed*


Can be added, but not removed*

About editing blocklists

Blocklists can be edited during a session unless Locked Mode is enabled. For example, if locked mode is off, you may add and remove websites, filters, or apps from your blocklist. If locked mode is on, then you may only add additional items to your blocklist, but not remove them.

For more information about creating and editing blocklists please see How to Create or Edit a blocklist

About ending sessions

If you need to make significant changes to your block session, it might be easier to end the session and start over. Please note that ending sessions is only allowed on a limited basis when locked mode is enabled.

For more information about ending sessions please see Ending a Block Session

Editing inactive sessions

Inactive Recurring Sessions and inactive Start Later sessions can be fully edited! This includes changing start/end times, adding or removing devices to the sessions, adding or removing blocklists to the session, etc... Inactive Start Later and Recurring Sessions can also be deleted while they are inactive.

Enabling Locked Mode

If you do not want the ability to edit blocklists and end sessions, then we recommend enabling Locked Mode.

For more information about Locked Mode, please see How to Use Locked Mode.

Having trouble?

If you're having any difficulty, please feel free to contact us. We're happy to help!

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