How to Edit a Block Session

This article provides instructions on how to edit sessions, as well as information on what and what cannot be edited with block sessions.

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Written by Freedom
Updated over a week ago


Issue: I've created a block session but I want to edit certain parameters. Is this possible?

By default, Freedom sessions are set up so that most parameters cannot be edited while your session is active. Additionally, sessions cannot be deleted while they are active. This is intentional, to make it harder to get around your blocks, and this is how your account will function even with Locked Mode turned off.

To further clarify, below is a list of what cannot be modified in an active session. 

Parameters that cannot be edited:

  • Session Start time

  • Session End time

  • Days of the week a session is active, for Recurring Sessions

  • Devices cannot be removed from active sessions, but they can be added

  • Blocklists cannot be removed from active sessions, but they can be added

If you would like to edit these parameters, you can contact support and we can end your session so you can edit it. We can also remove devices or blocklists from your sessions for you.

Alternatively, you can wait until your session is inactive (for start later and recurring sessions). Once your session is inactive, you can fully edit and/or delete your sessions as needed.

Finally, there are some key factors that can be edited to control your session! 

Parameters that can be edited:

  • Blocklists

Blocklists can be edited during your active session, meaning you can remove sites you need to access temporarily, add new sites to be blocked, and so on. Even though active sessions cannot be deleted, you can change your blocklists to access what you need when you need it. NOTE: Locked Mode must be turned off to edit your blocklists!

Issue: If I can edit my blocklists and remove sites, what's to stop me from removing all sites to get around my blocks? Alternatively, I don't want to be able to edit my blocklists!

Good question! That's where Locked Mode comes in. Locked Mode will disable you from editing your blocklists and stop you from deleting your devices while in an active session. Check out our Locked Mode Article here for more info.

Inactive Start Later and Recurring Sessions

Inactive Recurring Sessions and inactive Start Later sessions can be fully edited! This includes changing start/end times, adding or removing devices to the sessions, adding or removing blocklists to the session, etc. Inactive Start Later and Recurring Session sessions can also be deleted while they are inactive.

Having trouble?

If you're having any difficulty, please feel free to contact us. We're happy to help!

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